Planting righteous seeds in the month of Rajab

As-salamu Aleikum!

The month of Rajab has opened its doors and we have stepped right into them. What’s the big deal, you ask? Let’s take a dive into some of the virtues of this month!

  • It is one of the four Sacred Months

  • It is the month where the miraculous Night Journey (Al-Isra’ wal Mi’raj) occurred - we will get into this in a future article, inshaAllah!

The blessed month of Ramadan is just around the corner, and Rajab is a great time to start planting seeds of righteousness and place ourselves in training mode for Ramadan.

Consider a smaaaall seed, seemingly insignificant, yet it carries the potential within it to sprout into a LARGE majestic tree, blossoming with stunning flowers and delicious fruit. That could be… you! Just as a seed needs the correct conditions to grow and flourish, our seeds of aspirations and personal growth also need a conducive environment - along with time and patience!

Slow and Steady…..🚦

When Ramadan arrives, many of us tend to turn the switch on and try to go from 0 to 100 overnight, but then find ourselves burnt out halfway into Ramadan, unable to achieve the goals we set for ourselves (I’ve been there!). That’s because we haven’t given ourselves the nourishment we need beforehand to grow and thrive.

Embracing the weeks before Ramadan arrives, and taking small steps to incorporate habits into our daily routines, is a much gentler and sustainable way to grow and improve. It leaves room for us to be considerate and compassionate with ourselves and our overall well-being.

Reflect on your intentions for Ramadan, and break down your goals into smaller mini-goals that you can try to start implementing in the weeks before Ramadan to give yourself time to ease into some new routines and habits. Starting small allows you to build confidence, creating a positive momentum.

Embrace the setbacks! 🙌

It’s important to note that this doesn’t mean everything is going to be rosy and perfect. There may be days you don’t follow through with a goal you’ve set for yourself. Be patient with yourself and recognize that setbacks are a natural part of the process.

  • Be flexible and open to adjusting your goals. Circumstances may change.

  • Regularly assess yourself. Use this evaluation as a learning opportunity - not a critique! If something is not working, understand why and adjust accordingly.

  • Avoid pushing yourself to the point of stress or exhaustion. If a goal starts to negatively impact you, reassess and make necessary adjustments.

Embrace the idea that learning and improvement are ongoing, and setbacks are not failures but stepping stones toward success. Nurturing yourself along the way is key to sustainable growth.

Grab Your Gardening Gloves 🌱

Now that we’ve given ourselves a little pep talk - I hope you are feeling a bit more ready to take on the next step.

So let’s ask ourselves - what is it that we want to plant today?

I’ll let you ponder on that one!


with love and duaas,



A List of Duas for G@za


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